my scary experience


That day, July 28th 2012, We all of new student in IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon were doing activity called ta’aruf, we felt so tired because the schedule began from 07.00 am untill 06.00 pm.
Eka,Lili,Mahromul and Rahma live far from our university, because that we all stayed in Rusunawa IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon that has been allowed by the commite. But only several santri that stayed in there.
Because that month was Ramadhan , so we opened our shaum together and then went to mini market to bought some snack, food and drink. Mahromul borrowed Lili’s money to pay her cost because her wallet was left in her loker.
After  that  we are immadiately went to rusunawa for took a rest , but we couldn’t sleep soon , we just talked about unimportant topic and laughed with our funny story on that day , until 1 o’clock am we heard some voice such as car voice tot.....tot.....tot.....tot and bird’s voice nguuk....nguuuk.....nguuuuk.
We felt that it’s voice was  different than usually strange and we all was afraid and immadiately read al-quran (ayat kursi) and went to bed soon .
Before we went to the bed, Mahromul pay her borrowed money toLili with the Rp.50.000 , and got a changed  Rp.40.000, she save her money to her wallet , and then put it to the bag , and the bag was saved in her loker , she lock her loker and save it to her pocket .
At 3 am we all were woke up by the cathering’s person to ate sahur , only Lili and Mahromul who woke up , and Mahromul pay the cost 25.000 but in her wallet only there was 30.000 , where the Rp.10.000 ? Whereas she has been save it in safe place . In the morning Mahromul tell that story to her  friends .
What kind of this story ? mysterious story or only our  scary ? and the next day , we all not stay in there again .
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Jumat, 20 September 2013

my scary experience


That day, July 28th 2012, We all of new student in IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon were doing activity called ta’aruf, we felt so tired because the schedule began from 07.00 am untill 06.00 pm.
Eka,Lili,Mahromul and Rahma live far from our university, because that we all stayed in Rusunawa IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon that has been allowed by the commite. But only several santri that stayed in there.
Because that month was Ramadhan , so we opened our shaum together and then went to mini market to bought some snack, food and drink. Mahromul borrowed Lili’s money to pay her cost because her wallet was left in her loker.
After  that  we are immadiately went to rusunawa for took a rest , but we couldn’t sleep soon , we just talked about unimportant topic and laughed with our funny story on that day , until 1 o’clock am we heard some voice such as car voice tot.....tot.....tot.....tot and bird’s voice nguuk....nguuuk.....nguuuuk.
We felt that it’s voice was  different than usually strange and we all was afraid and immadiately read al-quran (ayat kursi) and went to bed soon .
Before we went to the bed, Mahromul pay her borrowed money toLili with the Rp.50.000 , and got a changed  Rp.40.000, she save her money to her wallet , and then put it to the bag , and the bag was saved in her loker , she lock her loker and save it to her pocket .
At 3 am we all were woke up by the cathering’s person to ate sahur , only Lili and Mahromul who woke up , and Mahromul pay the cost 25.000 but in her wallet only there was 30.000 , where the Rp.10.000 ? Whereas she has been save it in safe place . In the morning Mahromul tell that story to her  friends .
What kind of this story ? mysterious story or only our  scary ? and the next day , we all not stay in there again .

0 komentar:

come on, translate here if you not understand!

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